Digital marketing for an eCommerce business is a lot different than digital marketing

Introduction Digital marketing for an eCommerce business is a lot different than digital marketing for a corporate one. There are many ways you can use digital strategies to improve your E-Commerce business, but first let’s take a look at what those differences are: The first difference that you will notice between digital marketing for an…

TOP 5 Features of Social Media Packages.

The great thing about the internet is that it’s full of brilliant marketers sharing great information — all for free. Social media is no exception. And you need to look out for these Top 5 things to look into any Social Media Packages! Stay up to date on the latest features and get strategic advice…

4 Ways to Make to connect through the content!

Content marketing is one of the most valuable tools brands have to communicate with their audiences. Whether through images, infographics, webpages, videos, blogs or newsletters, marketers have an opportunity to deliver relevant information that resonates with the people they’re trying to reach. No matter what type of content a marketer is creating, they should focus…

Social E-commerce Platforms

What is social e-commerce? The term was introduced by Yahoo! in 2005 which describes a group of online collaborative shopping tools like shared pick lists, user ratings, and other user-generated content-sharing of online product information and advice. Simply put, it brings e-commerce functionality directly into social media platforms. It will also extend your reach and…

How E-commerce supported online businesses during COVID-19?

The COVID-19 pandemic and the enforcement of lockdowns and other measures have led consumers to ramp up online shopping. Online sales of goods have recently experienced a surge of demand in certain products due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Several businesses have therefore shifted to e-commerce. The increase in the number of consumers flocking to digital…

Why do most people remember Youtube ads?

We’re all wired to remember great stories. Like the TV experience, because it was originally designed for, the forced 30‑second ad spot doesn’t fit the way people watch today — entirely on their own terms, seamlessly shifting between devices and channels.  Video ads update the traditional model, allowing you to serve a planned sequence of…

Find the right social media agency for your brand

What’s been your experience with agencies and social media? Are you struggling to find out the right social media agency for your brand? Did you know: 28% of companies use social media marketing agencies for his or her social media efforts. Following are the factors that will help you identify the right social media agency…

Happy World Emoji Day!

EMOJIS have well and truly taken over the world, so why not celebrate the handy little icons on World Emoji Day (July 17). WHAT IS AN EMOJI? An emoji is a small digital image or icon used to express an idea or emotion. The word emoji is based on two Japanese words put together: e…

Precautions to take while installing a Mobile App

Think before you click! A few days ago India banned Chinese apps. Do you know what the reasonmight be? It was due to security issues.Lets face it: the future is now. We are already living in a cyber society, so we need to stop ignoring it or pretending that it is not affecting us. Technology…

Power of Analytics in Digital Marketing

Digital marketing has become a buzzword nowadays. Over 91% of online activities are tracked as Social Media engagements. YouTube, Facebook ranks at the top in Alexa analysis regarding most trafficked sites in the world. In addition to this, there are many popular platforms like Twitter, Instagram which allows users to express and engage based on…

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