Think before you click!
A few days ago India banned Chinese apps. Do you know what the reason
might be? It was due to security issues.
Lets face it: the future is now. We are already living in a cyber society, so we need to stop ignoring it or pretending that it is not affecting us. Technology is an addiction for all of us, and so we generally keep on installing a lot of applications on our mobile phones.
Most of the time we install these apps because our family members or our
friends have suggested to do so… we actually never think of how useful it is…. So I would call this as one kind of peer pressure or maybe our curiosity to see what that app is all about.
Many of the apps ask us to login through Gmail or Facebook….oh! Wait
guys…. Don’t ever do this without giving a thought whether I should access through my personal mail Id or Facebook, well 90% of the time it’s actually not required to do so.
Some take away knowledge for you:
1) Download an application on the phone only if it’s required especially the apps which contain your critical and confidential information.
2) Read the descriptions, reviews and ratings on Play Store.
3) While downloading, give a glance to the conditions and then click on
4) Don’t ignore the pop-ups asking to access your location, contacts, camera etc.
5) Few Apps do damage your cell phone speed.
6) Download an antivirus, just the way we do it for securing our laptops or desktops.
7) Avoid installing apps from websites.
8) Avoid clicking on links forwarded through messages.

At the end of the day, the goals are simple: safety and security.
So next time think before you click as one single vulnerability is all an attacker needs!
Here is the complete list of Chinese apps which have been banned.
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