Digital marketing has become a buzzword nowadays. Over 91% of online activities are tracked as Social Media engagements.
YouTube, Facebook ranks at the top in Alexa analysis regarding most trafficked sites in the world. In addition to this, there are many popular platforms like Twitter, Instagram which allows users to express and engage based on respective interest. In this course of millions of transactions on each of these tremendous data is captured. This data is so crucial that the upcoming AI and Machine Learning algorithms are generating effective models leading the Marketing industry.
So how one can use this crucial data for building marketing intelligence? Some key analytics techniques can give one an idea of framing a foundation.
- Sentimental Analysis: Sentiments drive social media. It is the key factor based on which many trend analytics and social media monitoring systems are running. But compare sampling-based data does not guarantee to provide meaningful insights than the organically built data.
- Topic Modelling: It is a methodology to detect the trending topics from captured text collection. These topics are used to build themes which further used to feed other analytical tasks. The tasks can be like discovering user interest, identifying emerging trends etc.
- Trend Analytics: Trends talk more about future outcomes. Like forecasting the product demand, market opportunities etc. The sentiments again play a vital role in this method. The advanced trend analytics systems are building more accurate results with use of AI (Artificial Intelligence)
- Social Network Analytics: Social media platforms are nothing but the network between two entities. The basic entity is an individual who is commenting, polling, voting on a particular topic. The network dynamics and growth are built on the basis of Social Network Analytics. This gives insights about key influencers, viral content etc.
Ideally, 80% of businesses use Social Media for promotion and growth but as per the industry standards, only 20% of them adopt this Analysis phase as Digital Marketing activity.
We at Digimarketmoz believe on Analysis as a core power of Digital Marketing so we can create a winning strategy and performing campaigns.
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